
Showing posts from August, 2019

Episode 53 - D23 Ducks Fly Together

There's only one thing to talk about this week, nerds, and that's.. everything. Because every damn thing happened this weekend at Disney's D23. We get a Star Wars, and then another Star Wars, and then like two more of those, plus more Marvel Cinematic Reveals than you could throw a brick at Ron at.. If that last one wasn't the one, this one's the one. So buckle up and put on your decapitating shoes, Connor Macleoud, for this episode of Nerd/Life.

Episode 52 - Did you get us a Spider-Man cake?

It's our birthday! And you know what that means? It means it's also your birthday - your Nerd/Life birthday! Come have joke-olate cake and Ron-illa ice cream with us! And to celebrate? Sony took its Spider-Man away from Marvel and went home.. shit.

Episode 51 - Old as Ron

Chris here.. and let me tell you, I have no idea what happened in this podcast. There wasn't any news, and yet still there is podcast.. This just doesn't add up, so hopefully you, our adoring legion of fans, can listen in to this episode and explain to us how podcast happened. Also how babies are made, asks Ron. Oh, and also the Joker script leaked and we totally discuss it - avoid that little chunk if you're excited for the movie! - Chris may reveal a little too much!

Episode 50 - Spring Loaded Boxing Gloves

Well, the mystery of Ron's continued disappearances deepens as another player enters the game to share in our disappointment. Also, Titans season 2 finally has a trailer, the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event announcements are firing on all cylinders, Galactus may well wage war on the MCU in an upcoming phase, and we may just know who the villain in Black Panther 2 is.. but we're teases, so you'll just have to listen in this time!